Kidz Church
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Kidzchurch is offered to children during our Taste & See service at 10:00am during school term time. Our program is based on the Seasons of the Spirit program from Mediacom, and offers a themed learning based on the Revised Common Lection readings for the week. The children gather with their family in church and after the children’s song will go with their teachers to Kidzchurch for their time of learning and prayer. The children return to the adult worship in time for Holy Communion.
The children will spend the second Sunday of each month in the worship service. This will be an All-Age Worship Service where the children will participate more in the liturgy and have the opportunity to ‘showcase’ what they have been learning in Kidzchurch, e.g. songs, dance, skit, craft/art. The Kidzchurch curriculum will guide the teaching in this service so the children are following a continuous program. Principle: We believe that children’s ministry should focus on the child’s experience of worship in the service that their family attends. To achieve this outcome, we have examined each aspect of a child’s worship experience from the moment they enter the church with their parents/carer for worship until they leave, with a view of making each part of their worship experience meaningful.
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August 16, 2021
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